Latest News From Darrell Smith

In 2015, some corn was harvested early to help ensure a cover crop of cereal rye would be successful. The impact of the cover on soil health and soybean yield was analyzed after harvest.
Restoring Soil Health Takes Time

After rapid gains from vertical tillage, pH and fertility, the improvement pace slows down.

A Tale of Two Soils

Despite heavy spring rains, crop residue will remain in place thanks to the healthy soil structure. However, unhealthy soil will give way to washing and erosion.

Soil Health Report
Give Your Soil a Physical Exam

A complete physical exam can give you the piece of mind to keep doing what you’re doing, or it could uncover areas of concern. Soil is no different.

What Makes Healthy Soil?

No matter how much management, labor and fertilizer you apply, and regardless of the quality of seed you plant, it’s the soil that underpins how much food and fiber you produce.

Hand in Hand  1
Hand in Hand

Cover crops and no-till boost soil quality and yield.

Stewardship Pays Off
Stewardship Pays Off

For Delta rice and soybean grower Gibb Steele, nutrient management protects profits as well as water

Conservation Certification

A California-based concept could create a way to reward environmentally conscious farmers

Gear Up for VRT

Preplanning makes variable-rate technology cheaper and easier to manage for application of nitrogen and seed

Tips for No-Till Success

A properly equipped and maintained planter makes the difference between success and failure

Field Checkup

Cutting-edge remote sensing technology pays off for farmers in 2008

Conservation Now

No-Till Savings, No-Till Grows in Indiana, Satellites Track Conservation Tillage Trends