Latest News From Ed Clark

Storage Problems Test Producers
Storage Problems Test Producers

Record crops and transportation bottlenecks are straining the nation’s grain storage system in a way that hasn’t been seen in nearly a decade.

Grain bins - Missouri
Record Harvest Equals Storage Snarls, Wide Basis

Record crops and transportation bottlenecks are straining the nation’s grain storage system that it hasn’t seen in nearly a decade.

train track rail
Basis Hit Hard, Driving Corn Prices to $2.50/bu. in Corn Belt Fringe

Producers on the northwestern fringe of the Corn Belt are feeling the squeeze as transportation bottlenecks cause basis to widen.

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Rail Woes Hammer Basis

The most severe rail car shortage in history caused backups, sky-high leasing costs for cars and grain shipments that ground to a halt. Ultimately, farmers bore the cost in the form of lower grain prices.

Think Like a Coach, Not a Boss

Few elements of farm management have as much impact on productivity and profits as employee management.

High Tech, Low Cost

Rooted in the millennial old concept of bartering is a new formula for success—trading custom work.

young bucks
New Generation of Top Producers

With one notch in their belt marking their first year of full-time farming, these young bucks already have stories to tell and experiences to share.

Waste Products Become Profit Centers

Agricultural and food companies are converting what were formerly thought of as waste products into profit centers, according to a new report, “Don’t Waste a Drop,”

p34 Pivots Spread East
Producers Invest in Water Infrastructure

Center-pivot irrigation systems, once thought to be suitable only for Kansas, Nebraska or California’s San Joaquin Valley, are going up in the eastern Corn Belt.

Build Your Team

Shape-based analysis helps plug deficiencies in personality styles.

Hire. Train. Keep.

To stay competitive for farm employees, producers are boosting benefits.

is it time to expand
Is It Time to Expand?

Look to margins for answers on expansion decisions in 2012

mfglobal farmer
MF Global Costs Farmers

Producers detail impact of eighth largest bankruptcy in U.S. history

Three Co-ops, One Train

Co-op investment tightens basis, but venture is not risk-free.

road signs
You Can't Get There from Here

Rural infrastructure costs farmers time, fuel and safety.

5 Tips for Managing Employees

Competitive salary and benefits are just the start to building your farm team