Latest News From John Giles

What next in U.S./UK free trade talks?
What next in U.S./UK free trade talks?

The outcome of the U.S. election, Brexit and the ongoing challenges of COVID-19 to economies around the world. These are just some of the business issues facing fresh produce suppliers on both sides of the Atlantic.

John Giles
Could produce hold up a UK/U.S. trade deal?

Beyond the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the summer of 2020 might well be seen as something of a turning point for the United Kingdom in terms of international trade relations.

John Giles
A personal view of COVID-19's impact on UK supply chains

There hasn’t been a fresh produce supplier or farm in the UK that hasn’t been impacted by COVID-19. In some instances, it has shown how fragile our supply chains are — in others, how robust they can be.

John Giles
COVID-19's ramifications for produce in the UK

COVID-19 has had a terrible impact in the UK, with the current death toll topping 26,000 (as of April 30) and the likelihood that we will remain in lockdown for the next 4–8 weeks.

John Giles
What's next for Brexit?

The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union almost 3 years ago. Two dates by when we should have left the EU have since passed. The latest of these is now set for the end of October.